The author of the book, The Trial of J. J. Rawlings, Kojo Yankah has been commended by the former President Jerry John Rawlings for his details and facts about events that led to the May 15 and June 4,1979 uprisings.

The former President was glad about effort put in place by Yankah through his book by clearing the air and the negative effects of some institutions, governments and personalities had made to and misrepresent crucial part of Ghana’s history, to the extent of infecting the learning of coming generation.

Former Editor of the then ‘People’s Daily Graphic, and later Minister of State, Yankah said sometimes a lot issues were taken for granted and most people did not know what the situation in Ghana was in 1979 when “we were preparing for elections and it appeared elections were going to solve all our problems, with the same kind of canker that we had been upholding all those years.