The past few years have not been entirely benign. It is no news that the country is at war – a war against terrorism.  

The Jihadist terrorist organisation, popularly known as Boko Haram, began its rebellion against the government in 2009 on the premise of creating an Islamic state. Since then, the country has been subjected to numerous attacks, ranging from killings, vandalism, bombing, kidnapping and other forms of assault.

Regardless of the uprising, our armed forces have been a cushion to the effect of unrest on the nation. They have been fighting valiantly and ceaselessly to ensure that the menace bedevilling the country does not overcome it. Peace is never free; it often comes with a price of monumental sacrifice which could only be paid by bravery and profound selflessness. While we sleep, there are those who keep wake and fight to ensure that we see the light of dawn. Their contribution in combating insecurity is immeasurable; that which could never be repaid.

The troubled parts of the country especially have a better story to tell about the armed forces altruism. These soldiers are our friends, parents, siblings and children, yet they pledged to serve the country with all their strength, to defend its unity and uphold its honour and glory at the expense of their lives.

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 January 15, yearly, is the armed forces remembrance day, to celebrate the fallen heroes and those who still stand valiantly, ever ready to serve the country and its people whom they cherish than themselves. It is wonderful that a day is set aside to show gratitude and commemorate the armed forces.

Nonetheless, it is not enough to have these valiant men celebrated once a year. In other parts of the world, soldiers are treated like kings, not out of fear but deep regard and show of gratitude for their priceless works. Every now and then, a soldier is breathing his last for you and me to keep on living.

No greater love than for a man to lay down his life for another. This love is expressed intentionally, daily in deeds of our gallant soldiers rather than in words. The genuineness of their acts is subliminal. These men of valour should always be honoured and respected. They should be in our daily thoughts and prayers.