It’s still Chapter 2, Season 1 here in FortniteBattle Royale, as the developers and players alike move through the longest season in the game’s history. It’s has arguably the largest event in the game’s history with the whole Star Wars rigamarole, to be sure, but it’s also dragging on a bit here in early winter, as people reach absurd levels in the battle pass and wonder when we’re going to get another one. And today there’s some speculation that the season

As is typical in the world of Fortnite, this speculation comes from datamining. February 6 was the first date found in the game files for the end of the season, but later people found February 15. Today, HypeX tweeted that the file appears to now be changed to February 20, the latest we’ve heard of yet. For many, this data point seems to constitute a delay:

So did Chapter 2, Season 1 just get extended again?

The short answer to this question is: no. Fortnite can’t really be delayed any more because we never had an official announcement about when Chapter 2 Season 2 would begin. All we have to go off of is the initial extension announcement, which simply says “early February”. All other information comes from datamining the game, which is reliable for some things, but not for all things. Late last year there was all sorts of speculation about a yearly pass that people found in the game, but it turned out to be old data based on scrapped plans, or something else.

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It’s entirely possible that this API update does indicate some sort of change in plans on the developer’s side, but it’s also possible that it doesn’t. The earlier date may have been a placeholder, the new date might not actually be the new date, or any number of other explanations. Every new Fortnite update is thoroughly datamined, but that can lead us to make some erroneous assumptions.

So rather than endlessly speculate based on API changes, there’s not much to do now but wait on an actual announcement from Epic. It’s been a bit of a disappointing time for this to happen: the game had a huge amount of momentum coming off of its black hole event that it didn’t really capitalize on, but again: that happens for all sorts of reasons. The black hole event also showed that Epic is capable of juicing its profile when it needs to, and I wonder if it will find some other trick to pull in time for the beginning of Chapter 2, Season 2.