
Three persons required medical assistance in the Swedish city of Norrkoping after being struck by police bullets after conflicts between police and demonstrators following Quran burnings that sparked disturbances in numerous Swedish cities during the Easter weekend.

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Counter-protesters assaulted police in certain areas before of anticipated right-wing extremist protests. The violence has been criticized by Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.

“Three persons seem to have been injured by ricochets and are being treated at a hospital. All three wounded people have been detained on suspicion of a crime,” according to police, none of the injuries were life-threatening, according to an online statement.

On Sunday evening, police reported that the situation in Norrkoping was peaceful.

Several police officers have been wounded and numerous cars have been set on fire in recent days as a result of skirmishes between police and demonstrators.

On Sunday evening, the police reported that the situation in Norrkoping was peaceful.

Numerous police officers have been wounded and several cars have been set on fire in recent days as a result of violent skirmishes between police and demonstrators.

It was on Thursday that the violence erupted, after a protest organized by Rasmus Paludan, head of the Danish far-right political organization Hard Line. It is well known that Paludan, who was granted permission to hold a series of protests around Sweden during the Easter weekend, is a proponent of Quran burning.