Making Excuses Will Never Make You A Real Man

“I spent my life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless, but not men.”

Don Vito Corleone

The above quote came from the great Don in Mario Puzo’s classic, The Godfather, which Paramount Pictures adapted into a movie.

Vito Corleone was the Capo Di Tutti Capi in the fictitious but almost realistic work. He had seen and done it all in the Cosa Nostra business, however it was his compassionate heart and philanthropic lifestyle that distinguished him from the crowd. Despite his selfless service to humanity, Don Corleone was a powerful man who dominated his surroundings.

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He was not like his first son, Santino, who was unaware of when to draw the line and when to restrain his emotions.

In spite of his good looks and strong masculine features, Santino could be emotional and rationally irresponsible when it came to making decisions.

The truth is that Santino was not a real man in a deeper sense. Genuine men should strive for perfection in virtually all aspects of their lives, particularly in the way they deal with difficult situations. That was the underlying motivation behind the Don’s statement.

For anyone who is a little perplexed by that statement, it simply means that women and children can get away with a lot more than men. As a man, you are destined to bear and endure a great deal, and the sooner you recognize this and begin living meticulously rather than frivolously, the more meaning your life will have, the more fruitful it will be, and the more capable you will be of making something of your own life; even beyond that to be a blessing to your family and those in your immediate vicinity, and to a large extent your community or even country.

However, you can’t possibly be useful to anyone when you live your life as a woman or a child as a man. You can’t bless others if you haven’t discovered your own life’s purpose. You’re a busy man living the life of a woman who requires the undivided attention of everyone around her, as well as their validation, in order to feel content.

You spend so much time painting your face and embellishing it with so many ornaments, as ladies do, squandering valuable time for illusory glory, and you expect to be respected and your word to have genuine influence. No way! As a man, you can’t live however you want and still expect and receive love, just as women and children do.

As the man you are, recognize that life is a struggle for the male gender in every part of the world, and confront it boldly.

Though the beginning may appear blurred or even completely dark, maintain your momentum because there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Man up!

By MarkAnthony Nze, Ph.D.

Africa Today News, New York