Thousands Set To Hold Rally Across US Over Abortion Rights

Thousands of activists are warming up to take to US streets tomorrow on a national day of action calling for safe and legal access to abortion.

Africa Today News, New York reports that the planned nationwide demonstrations are a response to a leaked draft opinion showing the United States Supreme Court’s conservative majority is considering overturning Roe v. Wade, a landmark 1973 ruling guaranteeing abortion access nationwide.

‘Our bodies are our own — if they are not, we cannot be truly free or equal,’ says a petition from Bans Off Our Bodies, which was organized by groups including Planned Parenthood and the Women’s March.

‘Across the country, some politicians are trying to make decisions about our bodies for us,’ it added.

“We won’t let the abortion bans sweeping the country put our lives and futures at risk, and we won’t be silenced while our fundamental right to control our bodies is taken away.”

Protesters are expected in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Austin, and Chicago, as well as at hundreds of smaller events across the country.

The leak of the draft opinion has ignited fury over the potential rollback of abortion rights ahead of November’s key midterm elections when control of both congressional chambers is at stake.

Democrats have pushed to codify abortion rights into federal law, a bid to pin down Republicans on the deeply divisive issue ahead of the crucial polls.

The House-passed Women’s Health Protection Act would assure health care providers have the right to provide abortions and that patients have the right to receive them.

But Republicans in the US Senate refused to allow a vote on the measure earlier this week.

The legislative result does not square with American opinion at large: a new Politico/Morning Consult poll has 53 percent of voters saying Roe should not be overturned, up to three percentage points since last week, while 58 percent said it was important to vote for a candidate who supports abortion access.

Republican-controlled states already have taken steps to restrict abortion rights in recent months, and overturning Roe v. Wade would grant them far greater latitude to restrict or ban the procedure.

Africa Today News, New York reports that police in Washington, are still on edge after the US Capitol was attacked by a mob of then-president Donald Trump’s supporters in January 2021, have set up temporary fencing around the Supreme Court.

The leaked opinion is also spawning renewed calls by Democrats and progressives to add justices to the nation’s highest court, fueled by the possibility that they will not stop with Roe v. Wade and could overturn other landmark decisions.

Africa Today News, New York