What Is A Dream

What is a Dream? It is cherished aspiration, ambition, or idea.
Synonyms: fantasy · nightmare · vision · hallucination, ambition · aspiration · hope · goal · design 

Dreams are not just the pictures you see when you are asleep but the drive that keeps you awake during the day. It is very important that you are careful of the people you speak to, regarding your dream(s). There is no doubt that there could be jealous/envious people around you who might want to dissuade you from  your dream (s) but in some cases, these people lack  the conviction you had, so they will point out all the impossibilities and negatives that are attached to your dream(s).

Self-belief, Determination, planning, motivation, and not feeling overburdened with the thoughts of achievement are the four things we need to fulfill our dreams.

Read Also: The Music Of Freedom

As careful as  earlier advised on the type  of people to discuss your dreams with, it is important that you surround yourself with positive-minded people.

Round yourself with people that you can easily talk to about your dreams. People who will not criticize your dream but encourage you to go  all the  way. These people might not understand the entirety  of  your dream or the exact way it will  be actualized but they will be there to cheer you on and make you believe in yourself and in your abilities.

What kind of people  are you surrounded by?

Do you enjoy the company of those who want you to remain in the same position as them or  do you want to  make a difference in your life and in the world at large?

Don’t enjoy the delicious meal of mediocrity, pay the price now and leave your imprints on your sands of time.

Choose now! Choose right!!


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© Christy Chris

Africa Today News, New York