Can You Date A Colleague?

Dating on its own can be hard, but it can be all the more difficult if you are interested in a coworker. Having to worry about company policy, your peers, and your superiors can really put a damper on a romantic relationship. In the attached podcast, I would take time to talk about the different views as regards to workplace dating.

Living in a busy city where you rarely have time to socialize outside the office and having a tight job schedule that makes you spend most of your time at the office and with the set of people might make you consider dating someone in your workplace.

Most people frown at the idea as they prefer not to mix work with pleasure. They would prefer to carry out their official duties and have a personal life, outside the office. Some might consider keeping a relationship at the office, citing the fact that it is the only place they spend most of their time and the only opportunity they may have to pursue a relationship but the very important question that needs to be addressed is the maturity of the parties involved.  How matured and self-controlled are the persons involved and how much line are they willing to draw in ensuring that their emotions are tucked in while carrying out their responsibilities at their workplace?

Read Also: Fragrance Of Gratitude

Below are some of the things to expect when considering dating a co-worker

-When it inevitably ends, you have to work with your Ex. You might want to consider if it is worth it.
-You’ll spend more time with them than on work.
-It’ll alter your co-workers’ perceptions of you.
-Co-Workers gossiping about your relationship. You may want to consider if you mind giving other co-workers something to talk about.
-If work becomes stressful, you might find yourself taking your stress out on each other.
-When things between you aren’t going well, there could be tension, and others could pick up and see the telltale signs.

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© Christy Chris

ADN Radio, New York