New York: Trump Lawyer Expresses Worry Over Election Fraud

Africa Today News, New York reports that one of the conservative lawyers who has been identified as the main architect of a plan which had been made to keep former President Donald J. Trump in office had warned in late December 2020 that if Mr. Trump falsely swore to the courts that he had specific evidence of the voter fraud which had allegedly taken place in Georgia, both the president and his lawyers could face prosecution.

“I have no doubt that an aggressive DA or US Atty someplace will go after both the president and his lawyers once all the dust settles on this,” the lawyer, John Eastman, wrote on Dec. 31, 2020, to fellow members of the Trump legal team.

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The warning had also come at a time when some of the members of Mr. Trump’s legal team had been pushing for him to sign a verification document which had required him to swear under an oath that information in a Georgia lawsuit he had also filed while he had been challenging the results of the 2020 election was true, even though his lawyers were aware the specific allegations were false.

But Mr. Trump had ultimately signed a new verification, which a federal judge in California has said could be evidence of a crime. so only after his lawyers added a caveat to the suit, telling the court that the voter fraud figures they used were to be relied upon “only to the extent” that “such information has been provided” to Mr. Trump’s legal team. The suit had also stated that such data was subject to “amendment” or “adjustment.”

Mr. Eastman’s warning about the risks of potential prosecution had also been contained among eight emails which a federal judge in California recently ordered released to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Mr. Eastman included a link to a cache of the documents in an appeal of that decision.

The emails in question depict internal discussions among the Trump legal team as the lawyers planned out a strategy for how to proceed with their attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.


Africa Today News, New York