Disinformation Is ‘First Sin’ Of Journalism - Pope Francis
Pope Francis

The head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis yesterday denounced what he described as the ‘disinformation’ and fake news spread in an effort to influence public opinion, saying that it was journalism’s principal offence.

Speaking to Italian journalists at a Vatican gathering to bestow a journalism prize on Saturday, Francis said; ‘Disinformation is the first of the sins, the mistakes — let’s say — of journalism’.

Widely considered a savvy communicator himself, the pontiff returned to the term “sins” to list what he called the four misdeeds of the media, according to the Vatican’s translated statement of his comments.

‘Disinformation, when journalism does not inform or informs badly; slander (sometimes this is used); defamation, which is different from slander but destroys; and the fourth is… the love of scandal.

‘I am concerned, for example, about the manipulations of those who interestingly propagate fake news to steer public opinion,’ he said, urging a ‘reawakening of responsibility’ in particular as Europe grapples with the ongoing war in Ukraine.

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“My hope is that space will be given to the voices of peace, to those who are committed to putting an end to this as to so many other conflicts,” he said.

Francis, 86, has interacted extensively with the media since becoming head of the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics in 2013, appearing at ease and expansive in interviews — a far cry from his predecessor Benedict XVI.

Africa Today News, New York recalls that earlier this year, a documentary showing his no-holds-barred encounter with young adults, “Conversations with the Pope”, was released on the Disney+ streaming service.

Meanwhile, Pope Francis has made a case for a diplomatic solution to a political crisis in Niger which is coming against the backdrop of a coup that threatens stability in the entire region.

While addressing the faithful in St Peter’s Square after his Angelus prayer yesterday; Pope Francis said; ‘I am following with concern what is happening in Niger, and join the bishops’ call in favour of peace in the country and stability in the Sahel’.

Africa Today News, New York