Wasting Time Isn't Patience

It is great to have patience, but at the same time, one should be aware of when to hold on to patience and when to simply let it go. There are times, you need to take a stand and decide the direction you would want your life to take, this is because if you do not do so, you won’t be able to reach the peak you have always dreamt of! There would be situations when you would be asked to hold your patience and hope for the better and that is totally fine! However, there is another aspect to the flip side of the coin. 

You must have that awareness to determine whether you are waiting for an expectation and for something better to take place, or you are just waiting and wasting your time. If the latter happens to you, I would rather suggest you give it a thought and take a stroll.

How do you recognize if you are being patient?

You have a sense of order
You trust that things are right for you
It feels good on the inside
There is a sense of calm
You feel empowered that all is as it should be
You are positive about what is coming
You have taken all possible action within your power for this goal / outcome
You are excited and optimistic
You can sense the divine timing around it all

How do you recognize if you are just “messing about wasting time”
You are lethargic and tired
Your head is not focused on your goal
You have no sense of direction… just ambling around
You have not taken all actions within your control
You expect others to be doing things
You are irritable the goal is not happening
You are blaming people or circumstances about why the goal is not being reached
You are doing things that have no real value
You are bored and apathetic

It’s possible that you thought you were being patient all this while. Now that you know better , what are you going to do about it?

Listen to the podcast on this topic here

© Christy Chris

Africa Today News, New York