Honor And It's Importance

Honor And Its Importance: Synonyms: Distinction · privilege · glory · tribute · kudos · cachet · prestige · fame 

To honor someone is to give weight or to grant a person a position of respect and even authority in one’s life.
Honor means treating people as special, doing more than what’s expected, and having a good attitude. Obedience gets the job done and that’s what most parents focus on in order to keep kids moving and accomplish their goals. Honor is different. It’s like the oil in a machine. It addresses how you relate.
·When you show someone honor, you lift them up, you inspire them, and you encourage them. You are showing them that you care and that they are important to you. Honor is important and it is very important that we express honor to people we respect and care for. It is also important for us to express it to those we care about when they are alive and not wait until they are weak or at their funerals.
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Honor is important because it can recognizes the importance of life. Once there is honor, there is righteousness and integrity. That is why human race always recognizes characters with honorable conduct. This is to inspire the world that honor is as important as life. By having honor, moral values are achieved. By having honor, truth will prevail. By having honor, virtue is realized.
If all men in this world has honor, the world will be a place built on trust and respect.
the level of honor you earn defines you. It’s extremely important to anyone who holds respect, trustworthiness, reliability, and moral value. People that don’t put any value in having honor are people that should be avoided and taught extensively on the importance of honor.
Do you dispense honor? Remember, you can only get what you give!
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© Christy Chris