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As popular opinion would have it, numerous Foreign or African trained Registered Nurses have been hindered by the fear of the National Council Licensure Examination for the registered nurse, NCLEX-RN which has always been a parameter for them to to start a nursing career in the United States.
The NCLEX, which is a guidance examination, is a licensing test of some sort that is usually conducted by the National Council of Nursing in different states of the United States of America and its purpose is to run a full-fledged assessment determinant to the readiness of a prospective African or foreign-trained nurse who is vying for a license to consequently kick start their nursing career in the United States. As a result, the significance of the NCLEX exam cannot be overstated.
Read Also: Health zone with Somachi: tips on passing the Nclex-RN in USA
Starting from the very beginning, the NCLEX examination procedure can appear daunting, especially for nurses who are unfamiliar with the requirements that must be met to be eligible for the examination. Accordingly, it is imperative that all of the necessary steps and objectives are followed in order to ensure a smooth path to licensure in the United States.
The first and most important objective is to ensure that the nurse’s qualifications and eligibility are fully considered and put in the spotlight. It is more likely that academic qualifications of the prospective nurse would be used to determine whether or not the prospective nurse would be eligible to take the examination and begin the process of becoming licensed.

After these eligibility and qualification procedures have been completed, the next step for an aspiring nurse is to register for the examination and learn how to thoroughly prepare for it.
Many people are completely unaware of the costs that may be incurred during the registration process, and this has always been a barrier to passing the NCLEX and obtaining a good license. This lack of knowledge extends to the exam itself, and it is not uncommon to see a prospective candidate who has no idea what to expect or how to approach the questions on the test. They have no idea how the correct answers to questions are determined, which causes them to be nervous during the test and then to fail as well.
Many aspiring nurses get lost and confused at this point in the process. Almost certainly, they’ve heard about the NCLEX exams, but they don’t know what to do next.
The good news is that if you fall into this category, you can look forward to this wonderful information. Because there is no better way to learn how to get licensed than to follow the path taken by someone who has towed the path before you. ‘ There is no better way to keep up with it than with the help of a comprehensive reference manual.
Now that you have the answers in your hands, the number of reasons you have for not acting is almost null.
With over two decades of nursing experience and over a decade of consistent practice in the field of kidney care, the book’s author Nkechinyere Agu is a well-known juggernaut in the nursing profession in the United States. She is a thoroughbred New York State Board certified registered nurse.
With a Bachelor of Nursing (Education) from the University of Education in Winneba-Ghana, she went on to earn a Professional Diploma in Nephrology at LUTH, the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital (Nigeria). As a result of her studies at the London College of Professional Studies in England, she has a master’s qualification in Health and Social Care Management as well as a doctorate in Strategic Management and Leadership.
Throughout her career, she has shown a strong interest in foreign-trained nurses, and she is currently serving as an international consultant for ‘Dreams Alive Health Consult’ as a direct result of her passion for this group of people.
For African nurses who want to relocate to Australia, Canada, and the United States, Dreams Alive is a leading recruitment agency and advisory firm that has a 100% success rate in helping nurses achieve their goals.
‘DreamsAlive Comprehensive Review For NCLEX-RN’ has just been published in the United States and is now available on Amazon. Her passion is what drove her to write the book. RNs who want to take the NCLEX, get their license, or move to another state to practice can benefit greatly from this book’s wealth of information.
Every trained nurse, whether they are from Africa or elsewhere, will find comprehensive answers to their most pressing concerns in this book. To name just a few, what exactly is the NCLEX-RN test? What’s the point of doing this? Is it okay if I contribute? It’s not clear how to register for it, or how to adequately prepare. The book contains all of the answers and more. NCLEX success is guaranteed with the help of this book. Do not miss the wealth of knowledge that it contains. There is no time like the present. Get your hands on a copy of the book and get all your queries answered. It’s now up to you to decide what to do next.